We hope that most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly, preferably at the time they arise and with the person concerned. We would like you to let us know of any problems you have experienced as soon as possible - ideally, within a matter of days or at most a few weeks - because this will enable us to establish what happened more easily.
Your complaint should be addressed to the patient services manager Mrs Denise Barrett, either by phone on 01274 771999, by letter or in person.
You may wish to see our practice complaints procedure and a copy of this is available from any reception desk or you can print it from this link. Idle Medical Centre Complaints Leaflet (PDF, 119KB)
Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS). Tel: 0300 311 2233
Health Service Ombudsman for England. Tel: 0345 015 4033 Welcome to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman | Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO).